Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator

For Agile, Resilient Employees
Mindfulness in the workplace and other forms of employee wellness services are often understood to be positive added-value programs. However, now (post-COVID) more than ever, employers are embracing the fact that agile, resilient employees are essential to the success of any business or organization.
Proponents of mindfulness in the workplace programs encourage employers to partner with employees in the ownership of the staff member’s sense of wellbeing. Mindful workers, teams, and organizations function differently. The literature demonstrates that time and attendance begin to stabilize, creativity, and productivity often increases as perceived stress levels drop. Communication becomes more effective, and collaboration is enhanced.
There are many definitions of mindfulness. The most widely accepted definition is one offered by Jon Kabat-Zinn, MIT Professor and creator of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), who defines mindfulness as: Paying attention on purpose in a particular way and non-judgmentally moment to moment.
Phyllis is a certified workplace mindfulness facilitator. Call her now 718-661-4981 and learn more about how incorporating a workplace mindfulness program in your organization can assist your talented staff in being more resilient, ready, and responsive to the challenges of today.